Sunday 12 September 2010

Hello Hello Kitty

One for a client who had our cake from the Parson's Green Fair on the Green.

She'd asked us to make a cake for her little girl who was turning 7 today AGES AGO. In the midst of quotation and agreements, we lost touch and thought that she wasn't happy with our quote, but she got back to us a couple days ago saying, OH NO!!! CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE FORGOTTEN, PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME!!!!

And we couldn't let a 7 year old girl celebrate her birthday with any old pink cake, so here's what we baked her.

I was never a great fan of Hello Kitty but I have to say it was quite fun making the cake.

For all Hello Kitty enthusiasts out there who want to make this cake, a little tip, Katherine Wheels are perfect for making whiskers, assuming that you're making quite a big cake.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

♥bakers - winner of the challenge gets his prize

Mr Anthony Shepherd, who thought of our amazing name ♥bakers, finally got his prize.

He'd asked for a very vague 'swedish cake'.

But really we have no excuse for such late delivery of his prize, other than laziness?
And really because he lives with us, it was just so easy to say oh we'll do it tomorrow.. but really, there's no excuse, eh-hem.

So in the end we baked him an experimental, swedish apple cake. Experimental because I'd never made it before, but it turned out just fine, although none of us knew what it was really meant to come out like. Nonetheless, it was delicious and our prize winner was, well, look how happy he is! :)

Thanks again Tony for your brain powers.


Wedding Cupcakes

Two lovely friends of ♥bakers, Sian and Daniel, got married on the 21st of August.
Sian asked us to bake some cupcakes in place of her wedding cake, how exciting! and so we did.

Under her strict instructions we made half vanilla and half chocolate cupcakes and decorated them in pink, blue and white butter cream icing brushed with edible lustre.

We even made some special wheat free ones for the bride's sister, baked in leopard print cases for easy identification.

Congratulations Sian and Daniel :)


If you befriend a ♥baker...

A friend of mine came over to London for a visit.

as a ♥baker i thought it only fit for me to feed her something sweet and maybe something chocolaty.

So I made her some individual sized sloppy apple tarts and my very best massive slab of chocolates held together delicately with cookie dough and salt that makes you go haaaaaaaahhahahahaagggh when you have one, if I may say so myself.

Here's a little peek at what she got.

Sneaky little tip for making gorgeous tasting pie, slobber lots of butter on top before it goes in the oven, and it becomes... browned butter which tastes nutty, and above all, amazing!


If you'd been wondering what we were up to for the last couple of weeks as you know we've been supplying our local House Gallery and cafe with some goodies. So no, we haven't stopped baking, but have rather slowed down a bit, because great things are about to happen to the ♥bakers! (Soon to be revealed!)

In the meanwhile here's a couple of very long overdue updates from when we made a lemon tart for house, and some scrummy vanilla cupcakes. Take note of the chocolate brushed layer at the bottom which makes it not only taste amazing but also look really pretty when sliced.

Cupcakes as usual but with some cute casings that ♥baker K has found!

More news to come..!
